These two projects were the focus of my work over the past decade.
Seasons of a Life was the result of me being awarded the Reed T. Cooper Bursary for mid-career artists from the Dufferin Arts Council along with an exhibition grant from the Ontario Arts Council
The project took a year to complete producing five handwoven kimonos along with two other kimonos, one was the inspiration and the other the actual stencils for the work. These art pieces were shown at the Museum of Dufferin as well as World of Thread.
Legacy Project
Legacy was a collaborative project with sculptor Ken Hall, my part in this collaboration was to create three, thirty-three feet long fine silk banners depicting the poisoning of the rivers and thus the killing of the salmon which are the mainstay of the Killer Whales’ diet. This project travelled around Ontario and the final showing was in the lobby of the Ontario Science Centre, Toronto.